


Adare Labs publishes ​the Following Orders ​Podcast. We help sales ​professionals navigate their ​way in a digital World...

The Following Orders Podcast is available on Google ​podcasts, Spotify, and Apple podcasts. Sales leaders share ​their experience and philosophies with the wider sales ​community.

The sales process is changing...

The role of salespeople is changing. Digitalisation ​means that customers have self-serviced themselves ​with information before ever engaging with a vendor. ​Salespeople are not alone. The impact of digitalisation is ​felt across many industries and professions. Companies ​have become more process driven and technology ​allows business to measure everything. Well established ​sales processes need to adapt to this new reality.

The ​trend towards digitalisation is only becoming stronger. ​Artificial Intelligence (AI) already has a foothold in many ​industrial sectors. The impact of technology will only ​grow as we progress into this, the fourth industrial ​revolution. So how should salespeople and sales ​managers navigate this new environment?

Sharing sales ​experience in a ​digita​l World...

Adare Labs developed the Following Orders ​podcast to help guide salespeople through this digital ​revolution. We have sought out some of the leading ​thinkers and innovators in sales management.

The ​Following Orders podcast provides a platform for sales ​leaders to share their philosophies and experience with ​others. The podcast is created to be an informal forum ​where contributors are asked to share their real-world ​experience with a wider community.


Listen to the experts

Episode 1. Feb 9th 2023


Listen to our interviews with industry experts


Learn about best practises


Lead your own organisations through the experience of others

About Us

The Following Orders podcast is hosted by Dan O Mahony. Dan has over 20 years experience in sales and business development. He ran his own sales consultancy business for eight years. He now works in a sales role for a multinational vendor to the Lifesciences industry. Dan holds masters degrees from Griffith College and Atlantic technical University (ATU).